Timeline Description: The Aztec people were made up of three nations which ruled what is now Mexico. The Aztecs were destroyed by Spanish explorers in the 16th century. This is a timeline of their rule.
Date | Event |
600 | The first settlers arrive in Mexico A people who spoke Nahuatl arrived in Mexico and settled in. |
1100 | The Mexicas arrive in Mexico A people called the Mexica arrived in Mexico and began looking for a place to settle. |
1299 | The Mexica settle in Tizapan The people tried to settle near Lake Texcoco, but they were run out by the native people. They finally settled in Tizapan. |
1350 | Ways to travel are built The people worked together to build water canals and other causeways. |
1390 | The building of a temple begins The people began working to build the Templo Mayor, or the Great Temple. |
1427 | War comes to Mexico The people worked together for many years, though the tension was always high. War finally broke out between the tribes of the Mexica and the Tepaneca. |
1431 | The Triple Alliance is formed The war finally ended with a truce between the Mexica, the Tepaneca, and the Acolhua. They called themselves the Triple Alliance. |
1440 | Montezuma I becomes the king Montezuma I became the 5th ruler of the people. Under his rule the kingdom prospered. |
1487 | The Tempo Mayor is finished The Great Temple was finally finished and it was dedicated. |
1492 | Christopher Columbus landed in Santa Domingo Christopher Columbus landed in the New World, brining other explorers behind him. |
1502 | Montezuma II steps into power Montezuma II was the most famous of the Aztec kings. |
1517 | A shoot star in the sky A comet seen in the sky was thought to mean impending doom for the Aztecs. |
1519 | Cortes' ship hits land The explorer Cortes hit land at the Yucatan peninsula. He made his way to the Aztec capital. |
1520 | Cortes goes to war Cortes made an alliance with the Aztec's enemies, the Tlaxcala. Together they started a war with the Aztecs. |
1521 | The Aztecs meet their end The Spanish soon took control of the war and took over the Aztec's capital city of Tenochtitlan. The Aztec king was killed shortly after this, and the Spanish set up their own rule, calling it New Spain. It was the end of the Aztec people. |